Monday, December 7, 2009


Time to update again...well the weekends were boring...went back to my hometown to celebrate grandma's birthday...she is already 83 nonono 84...ahhh not sure...around there...before i forget...HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA! i won't consider the day fun because my hometown is one dead place to go...i mean people have no life there because there are not a single shopping complex...can you believe that.. and there is only ONE yes ONE hypermarket...-.-...imagine how boring life is in kampung...nothing much to do today...i guess that's for now...ciao..

xoxo Enjoy

Friday, December 4, 2009


Sorry's been a really really long time since i last updated my blog...was kinda of lazy to post and have nothing to write so yeah...but least I'm back in action...let me see where to start...

Let's start with (Flashback)
26th November 2009
New Moon people....New moon came out on this day...:D
I went to watch it with Minn,Ninn,Stef,Ed and vicky...
Well well...
The story is so-so but but but
is there a word called undeniably
well whatever it is not an English class
Pop corns were everywhere when the light went on after the show XD

nothing much on 27 & 28

29th November 2009
Happy Anniversary Dad and Mum
Went out to celebrate my parents anniversary at windmill
well it was just their anniversary
More anniversary to come
We love you Dad and Mum

30th November and 1st December
well well....this wasn't really planned by us
My family and I went to Port dickson
It is dead bored there
beach are filthy
and and there is nothing to do there
all i did was watch some show on TV
and sleep

4th December 2009
I took my UNDANG
before the undang test
My hands were shaking
and thinking
what if i fail
i have to pay again to re sit
well at least i pass

I think that's about it for the updates

xoxo Enjoy